Monday, July 24, 2006

So Be It!

Here I sit alone though I don't wonder why
In silence and in the darkness I do often sigh
Over tormented thoughts of love lost I do cry
Oh! No! It's not because you were ever my guy
To you, my dear, I happily say a loud "good bye"

From my heartache I learned what it is you lack
Your cold heart is why I don't ever want you back
I'd be pleasured greatly to give your face a smack
It would please me endlessly to see you taken aback
So it's with sincere conviction I say, 'Screw you Jack!'


1 comment:

  1. lol Glad you liked it, adamantixx...even if your tongue might have been up your cheek! ;)

    Keep up the good work with those trifles!
