Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Beauty of Nature

Driving back home from shopping (or "purchasing" as some would call it...meat for my cats!), I was berating myself for not having a film in my camera and not having the thought of taking the camera with me.

Heavy rain clouds, hanging low over the valley and plains towards Beaudesert and afar, displayed vitality. The distant mountains shrouded in metallic grey, verging into steel-blue dense spumes seemed comfortable dressed in their armour.

Every day that I drive along the top of this mountain its vista changes. One is no more beautiful or more awesome than the other whether it's a clear day, a rainy day or day like today holding promises of sporadic cloud bursts. One brief scud passed through just before I arrived at North Tamborine where the stores are...about 4kms from where I live. Eerily, mist rose from the bitumen. It's neither cool nor warm...a paradox, I know. It's still cool enough to have the covers on the bed at night and to wear light-weight 'winter' gear. This time last year and the year before we were already in the throes of an early summer. This year its arrival is delayed.

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